Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hallows Eve!

The University of Utah "black out" game was tonight, Halloween! So James and I thought that we would go all out and be dead football players. I kept my Cruella hair do, and added some scars and blood to my face. James went crazy, with full out face makeup. Ben cried and cried when he saw him, and when we picked him up from the babysitter (yes, we finally took him to a babysitter and enjoyed a night without him... of course we missed him though!) he cried and cried again. Can you blame him?

I'm Seeing Spots!!!

I always intended to make Ben's costumes. Last year, with being in school still, it DIDN"T happen. This year I actually had some time for it. I didn't want to get too complicated and sew something completely from scratch. So I thought that a DIY dalmatian costume would be something I could handle. First I bought a white fleece sleeper with a hood (which was a great find). Then all I had to do was purchase black (for the spots and ears), yellow (for the collar), and pink (for the inner ears) felt, fabric glue, and red ribbon (for the collar). Then I simply cut out lots and lots of spots, glued them all on, fashioned the cute collar, wrote "Ben" on it, and wolla! I thought it turned out really cute! And I was Cruella Deville of course (my cape was a similar story)!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For the Beauty of the Earth

For the beauty of the earth

for the glory of the skies,   

for the love which from our birth

over and around us lies; 

Lord of all, to thee we raise   

this our hymn of grateful praise!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Ben has been giving kisses for a while now, but lately improved vastly. He used to give really wet, open mouth kisses. A bit messy, and a must-wipe. Suddenly a few days ago, when we said, "Ben, give kisses," he puckered up his lips and gave a perfect, closed mouth, no drool kiss.

We can't get enough!!!!!!


My baldy baby finally almost has a full head of hair. He still is a little sparse on the sides, rocking the reverse bald man do. However with this hair, comes the task of having to tame it every morning and nap when he wakes up looking like this!

Skeletons and Playgrounds

Ben's ready for Halloween! Are you? Stay tuned for his DIY costume. It's so cute. And I'm even dressing up this year with him.

Monday, October 19, 2009


These two definitely have a love-hate relationship, like all close relationships! One minute they are playing great, and the next they are slapping each other atop the head. Whaddaya gonna do?
Don't you love how quickly Ben can turn on and off the tears!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Family Photos

Shannon, our photographer is done editing our pictures. She sent us a link to her flickr gallery to view them here. We are really happy with them. I absolutely love pictures and think that it is worth capturing my family with beautiful photography at least once a year. I plan on having walls and albums full of photo memories one day! 
I think that I prefer most of them in color, because I worked really hard to get us all coordinating, and I'm loving bright orange and blue right now. What do you think? 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

Well we survived a hot summer with no air conditioning and are welcomingly embracing the cooler weather. But seriously it turned real cold real fast. My baby went to always being without a shirt in the house, to being bundled up whenever we go outside, in one week. Problem though; Ben refuses to wear beanies now. Maybe a little frost bite on his ears will teach him that he HAS to. 

On Tuesday we got our first snow, on the last day of September. Luckily it was just in the mountains, although it did hail for about twenty minutes. We went on a very short walk (the wind came on very strong) to go enjoy the first snowfall. You can't really see it, but it's there, trust me. 

Luckily I got Ben a new big warm coat just in time for the chilly weather (thanks Mom). He looks like such a cool big boy in it.  

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kickoff to Fall

We went to the pumpkin patch, the first of many fun October events. I wanted to do it all last year, but realized that Ben was too small. Although he still doesn't quite "get" anything, at least he has fun just running around and being in fun atmospheres. 

I really didn't know where to go, so I googled pumpkin patches in Utah. I went to a site that listed different pumpkin patches by county. I saw some of the really well known (expensive) ones, so I figured that all the ones listed would be good. Well, I was wrong. The one we went to was a total dud. They had two rows of pumpkins (two rows!) I never knew that a one-acre piece of land with produce growing on it could be called a FARM! (I was a bit disappointed in case you can't tell).

On the way to the dud, we passed by a nursery that had pumpkins, so I thought we would just settle and go there. And, it was actually great. The perfect size for Ben. Small but lots to do. A haunted pirate ship, a little corn maze, pumpkins, and hay bails galore. All kinds of creepy figures and a little shop that my Mom would have loved (all kinds of cute Halloween decor). 

So it ended up working out great! Ben picked his pumpkin right when we got there. We are going to wait until James' 25th b-day to carve them (the 29th), to keep the tradition alive that his family started.  

Happy October everyone.