Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trip to Jackson Hole

The weekend after graduation we left for a fun weekend in Jackson Hole, WY with James' parents and our good friend James. We first stopped in Idaho to check out BYU-I, the new Rexburg LDS Temple, and then to see some of the lovely Idaho family. We did all that in half-a-day and then headed for Jackson. It was a wonderful and relaxing little vacation. The landscape was beautiful and they had the cutest down town where we did some window shopping. We hunted (searched) for buffalo, but only found a lot of elk. The rest of the time was spent with good family!

Ben and the Rexburg, ID Temple both came to be in this world in 2008!

The beautiful Rexburg, ID Temple

Aunt Judy meeting Ben for the first time!

Me, and Ben, with his Grandma and Great Aunt Stacie. 

The dog everyone just refers to as "Stupid," I do believe he has a real name. He came real close to Bentley and I was about to grab him until he licked Ben in the face and he cracked up. Gross!

The land above Uncle Matt's cabin. Such a breathtaking view, but a terrifying ride once we got to he snow. 

I came downstairs after getting into some comfy clothes and realized that James and I were wearing the exact same thing, sweatpants and a t-shirt, of our respective colleges. And Alisa had just bought a Ricks College sweatshirt. So we had to take a picture! 

Daddy and Ben!

Sweetest picture ever. Just learning to pull himself up on things. 

The beautiful ranch we stayed at. 

Ben with his Nana and Papa Mike. 

Elk Antler Arch in downtown Jackson. 

Put 'em up Ben!

James and James on the lookout. 

Elk crossing the river. 

What a nice little weekend!

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