Sunday, February 24, 2013

Discover & Go

I love the Discover & Go program.  With my handy dandy library card I have access to free or steeply discounted passes to local museums and cultural institutions.  Catch is you can to each venue once in a year, but must of the time you get a full family pass, which means once James gets himself his own library card, we can visit each place again with his pass.  So far we have gone to . . .

The Oakland Zoo.
The Lindsey Wildlife Museum (Walnut Creek).

Habitot (Berkeley).
And The California Academy of Science.  But I'll leave that for another post because it was so much fun and I have lots of cool pics to share.

I try not to do ANYTHING without coupons, so this program is right up my ally.  I mean I literally went online yesterday on my phone to to sign up for their club so we could get a buy one get one free coupon before we walked into the shop since my buy 1 get 1's from the football fundraiser were gone.  The confirmation said I would receive email notification within 24 hours so we waited in the car for about five minutes and then I walked into the place, showed the sales girl my phone and that I joined the club but they hadn't sent me my coupon yet, and then I had the poor girl call her boss to ask for permission to give me a "like it" creation for free.  Sad?  Heck no.  We are saving like mad for a down payment for our first home.  By any means possible.  : )

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