Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer Snipits

Just a little glimpse into our summer so far.
We have enjoyed a cold treat or two. 
A beautiful day on the beach with an old friend. 
Lots of swimming and more snacking. 
Bike rides happen almost daily. 
Brotherly bonding!  My favorite.  They love sharing a room. 

A very fun day at the fair with Mimi, Papa, and Ashlynn. 
And of course lots of lounging in the sun!

I've got lots of plans still in mind.  Mostly I just want to enjoy every day with my boys.  Jackson is getting to be at such a fun age and the best part of my day is seeing him play with his big brother.  And I've got lots and lots of blogging to catch up on, so stay tuned.  Moving always throws me off. : ) 

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