I have been very negligent of my blog lately I know. In all my spare time (i.e. time when Ben is asleep), I have been working on a gift for my little sister-in-law for her high school graduation, and also working on projects for Ben's upcoming birthday party. I have been planning it for so long now, that I really can't believe it is now just three weeks from today. I still have plenty to do, but I enjoy doing it so much. I'm not all that crafty outside of planning parties, so it feels good to be creative. It also just makes me feel really good to make a big deal out of the day for my son, and lets face it for me. It was after all a life changing day for me too. : ) I opted for one simple thing this year, and that was evites. I found a great website that I actually way prefer over the traditional evites website, called punchbowl. It gives so many more options, such as setting up gift registries and organizing food assignments if the event happened to be a potluck. I also love that people actually RSVP this way too. Almost half my guests have already RSVP'd since sending it last night. You can check it out here.
I'll probably be not so good again about posting until this party is done. Perhaps a few sneak peeks though before. Stay tuned. And just because blog posts are boring without a pic, here you go.