We celebrated New Years in Vegas visiting Nana and attending a Joh
n Mayer concert.

James began his insurance licensing process, I continued working for my Father-in-Law, and Ben spent his days with either his Mimi (my mom), or his GG (James' mom).
James passed the first of three licensing exams. I turned a quarter of a century old.
I don't really remember March to be quite honest.
James graduated from the University of Utah with a B.S. in Economics. The whole family flew out to Utah in support of him. It was nice to see Utah again after having moved backed home to California six months earlier. It will always be my second home. So proud of James and SO happy to be done with school!

I think we celebrated Easter in May, or was it April?? Well, here's a cute pic of Ben from Easter either way.

Ben turned two in June and I planned a great Dr. Seuss party. I obsess over party-planning and basically have his third birthday well in the works. A lot of friends and family were there and Ben had a blast opening presents and eating all the sweets.

On July 17th the newest member of the family was born, Dylan Patrick. After years of infertility and failed IVF's with a surrogate, James' Aunt Staci and Uncle Tom adopted their beautiful baby boy. Ben absolutely adores "baby Dylan," and I know they will grow up to be great friends.

James carrer path took a turn as we decided that insurance was not the best fit and he began his new position as an ADR for ArcSight in Cupertino. Shortly after getting hired, ArcSight was bought out by HP. James is enjoying his job and is having GREAT success. I'm so proud of him and we are enjoying life in the tech world of Silicon Valley.

I got a new car! A 2010 Kia Soul Limited Edition. It has four doors (almost the best part of all); after 2.5 years of heaving a baby into the back seat of a 2 door coupe, you'd understand. I love my car.
On October 15th we moved out of the parent's house and into this little place in Los Gatos, CA (interior pics to come).
James turned the big 26 and as usual had his little freakout (I thought that aging freaked women out the most). We celebrated with an intimate Switchfoot concert in Santa Cruz.

We went with a magician theme this year for Halloween. James the magician, myself, the magician's assistant, and Ben, the rabbit out of the hat.

We celebrated Thanksgiving and enjoyed getting settled into our new home and exploring the new home town.

Christmas was very fun with Bentley this year. He was very into Santa Clause and his little heart's desire was earphones and a phone. Santa delivered with Skull Candy- Paul Frank earphones, and James' old iPhone, encased in a new ifrogz skin and loaded with kid-friendly apps and music.

The day after Christmas we drove down to L.A. for Ben's first trip to Disneyland. It was extremely crowded, but the holiday decor was beautiful. Ben loved the characters and went on lots of rides, with no fear. Can't wait to go again when he's a little bigger, it's a little less crowded, and we feel a LOT better (James and I both got pneumonia).