Obviously the big trend is going green these days. And I am all for it. I'm not extreme or anything, mostly because being gree takes more green than not being green, but I do like to do my part. A stylish way that Bentley does his part everyday is with his g diapers. WHen I was pregnant James became curious about diapers. He thought that it was such a waste to change and throw away a complete diaper every time our future baby were to wet it. He had this idea of an insert that could be removed in layers. depending on how wet the diaper was. One day James' Aunt Staci wrote us that she found a diaper similar to James' idea. What she found was g diapers.

They are cloth diapers, with disposal or flushable inserts that you stick inside a plastic liner. Staci graciously offered a continuous supply of these adorable and environmentally friendly diapers as her gift to Bentley, and to us! We have loved them, and will continue to use them in the future on all our children's little bums. Bentley has super sensitve skin, and he rarely gets a diaper rash (only when he has continuous bad dirty diapers for several days).

They are really cute in all there fun colors. And they can be flushed down the toilet, meaning no waste. Even when they aren't flashed they biodegrade like ten times faster than normal diapers.

Thank you Staci for keeping Bentley's bum covered and green for all these months. We can't tell you how much we have appreciated it. Now, I wonder if they'll start making training pants. . .