James suggested the night before after I broke down for him our busy Easter Sunday schedule that we go to the other ward's time (since our's doesn't start till 12:30). We only had first hour, followed by a linger longer but I bolted out right after Sacrament and didn't look back. You see during the closing song Jackson decided to bee line it for the halls. So I sent Ben after him. Usually he comes right back struggling while carrying a gigantic baby. Well he didn't come right back so I had to go get them. I thought the song was about to end (turns out it had one more verse), so I hurriedly got up and turned the corner to get out before the closing prayer started. Because we are always late we sit in the back on the basketball court floors. Those floors, combined with me being in a rush and heels that I never wear caused me to slip and land on top of an old man sitting in front of us. At least it wasn't our ward. : )
As soon as we pulled up to the house I informed everyone to stay outside for a family photo. I set the camera on top of our mailbox and using the self timer was able to take a few good pics. I had the ISO (controls the amount of light the camera takes in) on really high by mistake and we were looking into the sun, so they came out very bright. We are not a tan family by any means, but we also aren't quite this pale. Oh well. I still love the photo. Especially Jacky. He cracks me up, lookin all pimp. : )

After lunch and a good nap (for Jacky) we set off for my grandpa's house to celebrate Easter (of course) and also his 80th birthday. We were able to stay for about an hour and the boys were showered with more goodies from the Easter bunny (AKA Mimi). Ben's favorites: his baseball and mitt- he is becoming quite the player. We then went to the Greene's for dinner, more goodies, and an easter egg hunt with cousin Dylan. The grass was wet from a few scattered showers but the sun was shining and the plastic eggs were full of candy and money. Jackson would grab one egg, put it in his basket, and then put his basket on his head. He was happy.

Another wonderful celebration of rebirth and the sacred gift of our Savior. Trying to reteach Ben about the atonement and resurrection has been quite eventful. It has brought up lots of questions. This kid always has lots of questions. So much so that I have been known to blurt out "quiet time!" in the car more than once. He literally rattles my brains sometimes. But these kinds of questions are golden!