I have been negligent of my blog (until two days ago). But that is not all. I have been negligent of my housework (the house is usually picked up, but not all that clean). I have been negligent of meal preparation (I have prepared a real home cooked dinner maybe twice over the last couple months). I have been negligent in my own personal grooming (I love my black Nike baseball hat). Why? Because I'm . . .

I found out on Mother's Day. How fitting, right? I wasn't suspecting it since we only started trying about a month earlier, and much to my surprise it was positive. I wrapped up the little pee stick in a box and handed it to Ben saying that I got a present for him and daddy too. He opened it and with a strange look on his face asked, "what is it?" Once we explained that I had a baby in my tummy, he very happily exclaimed, "I so proud of you for getting a baby in your tummy!" He knew we were trying (whatever his little brain thought that meant), and was proud that we were able to accomplish our goal! Funny kid.

He has been amazing throughout the process so far. He kisses baby and tells it he loves it. He asks why my baby is "taking FOREVER!" And has been so supportive with me being sick. Always asking me how I'm feeling and being a great little nap buddy during our daily naps. And let me tell you I have been sick. Way worse than with Ben. For about two months I had:
NO energy
Extreme stomach aches
Constant nausea
Daily puking
Multiple migraines
But bye, bye first tri! I am 13 weeks along today and feeling much, much better. I'm already showing, which is a bit alarming. But I hear that's normal. We find out in about a month what we are having, and I seriously can't wait. I am much more anxious to find out than I was with Ben. I think it's because I really have a strong preference this time (not going to say, don't want to jinx it). But of course will be thrilled either way. Ben always used to say for the longest time that he wanted a baby sister, but has since changed his mind and has decided that a baby brother named Ben is what he really wants! Oh yah, and my sister is preggo too! About a month ahead of me. So this should be a lot of fun, or this could be very interesting. Two hormonal sister's hanging out could get crazy. We will just keep our visits short. Ha, ha!