Dear unborn child of mine,
I just wanted to let you know that we are more than ready for your arrival.
Every piece of your laundry is washed and put away. Every article of clothing, burp rag, bib, and blanket is soft, clean, and smelling the perfect yummy scent of Dreft detergent.
The house is very clean, even down to the carpets, which we had professionally deep-cleaned. You could come out crawling and we would be ready for you. : )
Infant diapers are well stocked and ready to enwrap your cute little bum!
The fridge and pantry are well stocked, and we even have some wonderful friends who are just waiting to bring mommy, daddy, and ben delicious meals once you arrive.
Your hospital bag is packed to the brim and ready with everything you need to get through your first couple of days of life. Mommy's bag is partially packed, but can be fully ready in a matter of moments I promise.

And just in case all of this doesn't convince you to make your appearance, I want you to know that you are making mommy quite uncomfortable. That's right, I have resorted to guilt to get you moving. You are causing me a great deal of pain at night: major leg cramps and intense heart-burn, not to mention the constant urination, are not adding up to a good night's rest. Luckily big brother is letting me nap daily whilst watching a movie next to me in bed on the laptop with his ear phones on. And speaking of big brother, he REALLY wants you to come. I have to tell you that you even made him cry on Monday. He was so convinced you were coming that he told his teachers at preschool that I was at the hospital having you. And when I showed up to pick him up, not only were they surprised to see me, but your brother met me with tears in his eyes, because I suppose he expected for you to be in my arms. As he cried he exclaimed repeatedly, "I want baby. I want baby." Mommy's doctor told us on Thursday some disappointing news that you were more than likely not coming very soon (no dilation, no nothing). I guess Ben understood the news as he very sadly announced to me later that day that "I just want to be a big brother. But I guess baby Jackson isn't coming yet!"
So please my sweet baby, do big brother and mommy a real solid and please come soon! We just cannot wait to meet you!
All my love,