Our weekend kicked off on Friday morning with a well-desereved trip to Chuck E Cheese. Bedtime went very smooth all week long (we are talking 7 pm bedtime, both boys to sleep within ten minutes, good)! And this was the promised reward. Jackson was so funny. As soon as we walked in he started to do a happy dance and was pointing and yelling at everything. Ben was trying to hold him back from running off while I paid for tokens. Both boys had a great time. Ten dollars isn't bad for about an hour and a half of fun entertainment and a few treats to go from our tickets. Ben really impressed me on the basketball game and made probably 15 out of 18 baskets. His proud daddy posted a video on instagram.

Chuck E Cheese himself came out for a little party time with all the kiddos as the danced around the place. Jackson was following closely behind and seemed to like the giant mouse. But as soon as he waved at him he burst into tears. Ben took a picture with him to try and show him that he's nice, but he remained very weary of the large rodent. Then for some reason Ben started crying, and his only response when I asked him why was "Jackson." Sometimes these brothers have so much empathy for each other. Sometimes.
/\ /\ Trying to comfort him after his mouse sighting. /\ /\ |
After Chuck E Cheese and lunch and our favorite Taco Bell I dropped the boys off with my parents for a little fun time with my main man. I was so pleased when he suggested a temple date night. The grounds were so beautiful and I felt the spirit strong. We have so many decision lingering in our minds and it was the perfect place to go seeking some answers. Plus afterwards we always go to Fentons. Yum. As per usual we shared a BBQ bacon burger, a half and half basket of fries, and a double scoop hot fudge sundae (cookie dough and cookies & cream), with and this is key, chocolate whipped cream.

Saturday morning was spent at another beautiful shower for my little sister-in-law (I made that adorable hat below). Then I went to pick up the boys only to have the big one beg me to stay one more night. So I came home with only Jackson in tow. Once you have older children and/or more than one child, having just one small child is a breeze. Plus it helps that he is the best little guy ever. We walked about a three mile round trip to Panda Express for a little dinner date and then picked up a Redbox. Jackson lay with us the whole time, awake, watching a movie that he didn't understand one bit. Gotta love that kid. At one point I looked over at him and smiled at his general cuteness and he stared back at me smiling. He enjoyed this love fest so much that he didn't want it to end and would grab my face whenever I tried to look back at the movie. : )

Our weekend ended like it always does, with the Sabbath and church. Below is Jackson with his wonderful nursery teacher. She also was my third grade teacher, and always one of my favorites. Jackson loves nursery and just walks right on in. I love peeking in on him through the portholes on the door, and this is how I always find him when I pick him up- in Sister Olson's lap.
And it's just not Sunday without some snuggly downtime, which usually results in a nap or two!