Sunday, July 14, 2013


The boys had their 18-month and five-year check ups on Wednesday.  I am super lucky in that Ben loves going to both the dentist and the doctor.  He enjoys showing off his bravery.  He was very excited to not even say "ouch" when he got his shots now that he's five (he hasn't cried over shots since he was three).  Lucky, I know.  Their daddy is always really excited to see their growth and where they stack up on the old percentile deals.  Silly men.
Ben was weighed, measured, had his eyes checked and his blood pressure taken before we entered the room.  Jackson then stripped down for weighing and measuring.  He looked like a giant baby on the scale compared to the tiny guy that once lay there.  Ben thought it was funny that he had to get undressed to but he kept on his hat and shoes and was quite the sight.  I asked him if he forgot a few things (i.e. shorts and a shirt) when he left the house this morning.  He thought that was pretty funny. : )  Both boys checked out and then the doc delivered the sad news.  Ben did not need any shots.  He was seriously disappointed.  I know, weirdest kid on the bock.  Jackson on the other hand had to get two shots.  Ben was a proud big brother when Jacky only cried for about ten seconds.  Another easy one when it comes to needles.
And here is how they measured up:

  • Bentley:  Height- 3'7.6'' (64.63%) and Weight- 40 lb. (44.32%)
  • Jackson: Height- 2'9.75'' (91.21%) and Weight- 23 lb. 13 oz. - (48.90%) 
Of course James was thrilled to know that Jackson is still his "big boy," and Ben's height keeps on creeping up there in the rankings every appointment.  And both boys are on the skinny side like their daddy (wish I could say like their mommy here).  And of course we are both just happy that our boys are healthy, no matter how tall they end up.  

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