Friday: We started Memorial Day weekend off at the pool the way it should always be kicked off. Even though we've been swimming for well over a month here in sunny California, it is the official start of summer so only seems fit. James had lots of work to do at home so after a work out, the boys and I hit the pool mid afternoon and didn't come home till the sun was nearly setting.
Saturday: A donut run started off our day as per tradition. But this time we opted for Krispy Kreme. It was the boy's first time and my first time since high school. They enjoyed watching the whole donut operation behind the clear glass walls. Other than some house work and yard work for me we pretty much all had a lazy day. Jackson napped long enough for first James to join him and then me. Best nap for me in a long time. : ) When I woke up I heard that even Ben fell asleep on the couch with James and James posted the Instagram pic to proof it. Sunday: Another lazy morning followed by church followed by a lazy evening with a little bit of friend chicken and corn-on-the-cob in there somewhere.
Monday: Spent the day a few cities over at a Wind and Art festival. Where Ben showed his bravery in climbing almost to the top of the rock wall, and Jackson after proving he just makes the 36" height cut off, showed his fearlessness and rode all the carney rides right alongside his brother. James, his dad, and his brother opted out early to go to the car dealership to see if there were any amazing memorial day offerings (we're on the hunt for a bigger car to accommodate baby sister). While the boys, myself, and my mother-in-law went and cooled off at Cold Stone (it was so hot!)- we made the better choice.
Tuesday: The boys got into the true spirit of the holiday with their Papa and Great-Grandpa at a WWII airplane show. They spent a couple hours climbing all over the vintage aircrafts and mommy spent her alone time running some errands that she never likes to do with them in tote. Win-win!