I took this goofy picture of myself right after I found out the good news, but boy can you see the joy all over my face.
I got the positive test results around five weeks and felt good for another couple weeks until the symptoms hit. Very different this time around so I already started to get my hopes up that perhaps a girl was a brewing. Both my first and second pregnancies I had true morning sickness. Felt sick in the morning, throw up, and feel good for most the rest of the day, besides the major lack of energy. This time I just had a constant stomach ache for almost a month. I would throw up occasionally but mostly just felt slightly sick to my stomach or really crampy. I felt a definite lack of energy but couldn't always sleep very well. Luckily this all occurred end of December/beginning January where it feels pretty natural to hibernate and be lazy. Because that's exactly what we did. Way too much TV was watched. But we survived. And honestly I have really great pregnancies (knock on wood) and feel super blessed. I have one girlfriend who is really struggling with a whole gammut of symptoms and another friend has been on complete bed rest since about twenty-two weeks (my worst nightmare- I couldn't imagine being out of commission for my boys). I was also lucky to pull through the first trimester about two weeks ahead of schedule and felt great by ten weeks. We decided to re join a health club we used to belong to and I got back in the gym at that point and haven't turned back (more on working out this time around later). My first trimester ended with an ultrasound where I was told that "it looks like a girl." The area was flat but male parts could have still sprouted so the chances it was a girl were about 80%. I tried not to think about it too much at first but then decided those odds are pretty dang good and began the shopping, nursery planning, and day dreaming about a sweet girl in our home. Thank goodness my gamble paid off. You just can't return custom headbands and personalized leggings you know. : )
Girls are soooo fun to shop for! I honestly have an addiction to shopping for them. That's so exciting. I wish I could be like you about pregnancy tests, but I am so anxious I test four days early, then three days early and so on until I get my positive. Hmm your post has me wondering if being pregnant with a boy will be easier than with girls...