Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Family Photos
We took professional family photos on Saturday. Shannon Garber took them, and she was great. I would highly recommend her to anyone in Utah. This is her first year in the business, so she doesn't know how good she is yet, thus her prices are still really low. And she is really good! I love all of her work. We will be getting the pictures in two to three weeks, but she put a sneak peek on her blog. Check them out here!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Homecoming Game!
We went to the first Utah game of the season. Before the game we met up with the entire Russon clan for a little tailgating. I made cupcakes (I always bring the dessert). I like the way the Utah red and white turned out, but I couldn't resist putting one BYU cupcake in the mix (then I don't feel like such a trader). Let's just say, the die hard Russon Utah fans were NOT pleased!
The game was great. We won by a lot, but it wasn't as exciting as a close game. Luckily we sat right in the first row of the second level of seating, because this was Ben's spot the entire game. He only sat down for maybe twenty minutes the entire game, while I bribed him with a snowie. Which means I only sat down for twenty minutes the whole game!
Bentley made lots of friends. He went around giving everyone near us high fives. The group of guys in front of the railing loved him. Bentley would tap there arms to get their attention and then give high fives, until I'm sure they were slightly annoyed.
I had to take him out of the stadium a few times to run around and get some energy out. He was overall pretty good, but we've decided that we are NOT going to take him to another game. He's just too busy, and I really didn't get to sit and enjoy the game. We wish the family was near to babysit. Oh well, soon though!
The boys enjoyed the game however very much.
It was a fun night though. Go Utes!
What I've learned since . . .
Since Ben has lately turned into a "Curious George," as I like to call him, I have learned a few things about dealing with busy toddlers.

1. My house doesn't have to be clean ALL day. Just as long as it starts and ends that way, I stay sane.
2. It takes only twenty minutes to clean up the worst of disasters he can throw at me, and ALL day fighting with him to keep him from making messes.
3. Rather than keeping all of his toys put away and bringing out some for Ben to play with, I decided to keep all the smaller toys in a basket in the living room. He enjoys emptying and refilling the basket, more than he does playing with the actual toys.
4. Just let toddlers play with anything they want (no matter how inconvenient), so long as they can't hurt themselves, of course. Things that are OFF limits to them, kitchen items, things in mommy's purse, and remotes, are their little hearts desires. So just let them have their desire, and they will be happy, and you will be happy too!

And NO, this is not my house. That house wouldn't make anyone happy!
Movie Monday!
Eva (the little girl I nanny for) LOVES to dance. Any time she hears some kind of little tune she starts to tap her feet and shake her hips (I mean really shake them). I thought, maybe it's a girl thing.
But Bentley has slowly been catching on to the dance craze of Eva and started doing his own little (I mean little) dance! He even does it now on command, when I say "dance."
P.S. Don't be alarmed by the end. He was okay. And excuse my language. Ha, ha!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saving it for Later
My baby is a messy eater, like most. When I lift him out of his high chair, after having applauded him for eating his veggies so well, I find that most of them are in his seat. Luckily, less food falls to the floor now. But still a lot of it misses his mouth and ends up other places. One of those places is in his bib. He has the bibs with the pocket, which stores a lot of food for him. Once he finishes what's on the tray, I often see him digging through there for more.
Well, today I forgot to put his bib on. So he improvised...
Yes, friends, that is cheese in his belly button.
I guess he was saving it for later!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Just Because
I don't have a lot to say except for, isn't my baby cute? In most of these pictures he doesn't even look like a baby, ahh! Oh, except for in this one.

He is really becoming so funny and learning new things every day. He 'talks' on play phones, he makes noises and drives little cars, he opens drawers (ALL of the drawers), and pulls things out (EVERYTHING out).
I just love him to pieces!

And I love seeing my husband with him!

One Leg Up On The Competition
Bentley likes to be comfortable. He likes to slouch basically. He must get that from me. I cannot stand to sit straight up in a chair for long. When I was in class, I would put my feet up on the chair in front of me. In movie theaters my feet are always up on the row in front of me (so don't sit there). And I never sit on my couch, I lay (ask James, it drives him nuts).
Ben's two places to always have at least one foot up are his high chair and his stroller. And when his tray is on his high chair, he clings his little toes to the bottom of the tray so they aren't dangling.
But this one takes the cake.
I wouldn't think that would be very comfortable though!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Movie Monday!
I know it's been a couple or maybe a few weeks. So here is two movies to enjoy this week. Bentley was such a big boy in the bounce house and obstacle course at the Block Party (see post below), that I just had to share.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Block Party
Our apartments hosted another fun event today, a Block Party. Free food, free activities, free information, and free fun! First we went to see the fire trucks and get some ice cream. Ben sat up in the fire truck by himself (his Papa would be proud).
Then I thought I would see if Bentley might like the bounce house. He had been in a smaller one before at his birthday party, but never with other kids. I had to sign a waiver first and put a wristband on him (which he promptly tore off). I thought he would be nervous but he wasn't at all. He even sat right in the middle for about five minutes and just enjoyed getting bounced around by the other kids (4 and under, luckily).
We stopped for a quick balloon (Bentley loves balloons, and gets one almost every week at the grocery store).
I wanted to try out the obstacle course (so Ben was a good excuse for me to go in too). He loved that too, and showed no fear while much older kids raced all around him, nearly knocking him over.
Then we hit up the little game area. Ben fished for a slinkee and necklace, and then attempted a bean bag toss where he won a sucker.
We ended the day by getting some free pizza and a Capri Sun. You gotta love free food and entertainment. Ben was disappointed that there were no animals though ;-(
I think the cotton candy made up for it. He didn't actually eat it, he just enjoyed holding it and looking at it. It is strange stuff!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Patriot Party
In case you don't know James and I and Ben (although he doesn't know it yet) are HUGE Patriots fans. We were absolutely devastated last year when Tom Brady was injured the first game and out for the season. To say the least we have been anticipating yesterdays game and Brady's return.
It was a nail bitter until the very end, but Tom did as he always does, turned it on under pressure!!!
We kicked off the football party season with leftover pasta and cake and a Papa Murphey's pizza. We can't wait for many more fun games to come, hopefully not many more close calls.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday Dinner
I wanted to make something new for dinner on Sunday and stumbled across this yummy recipe:

- 1 (16-ounce) package ziti
- 2 (10-ounce) containers refrigerated Alfredo sauce
- 1 (8-ounce) container sour cream
- 1 (15-ounce) container ricotta cheese
- 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
- 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
- 1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese
Prepare ziti according to package directions; drain and return to pot.
Stir together Alfredo sauce and sour cream; toss with ziti until evenly coated. Spoon half of mixture into a lightly greased 13- x 9-inch baking dish.
Stir together ricotta cheese and next 3 ingredients; spread evenly over pasta mixture in baking dish. Spoon remaining pasta mixture evenly over ricotta cheese layer; sprinkle evenly with mozzarella cheese.
Bake at 350° for 30 minutes or until bubbly.
This is what mine looked like. (I have to learn how to photograph my food better). It was really good.
For dessert I thought a marble cake with chocolate frosting and strawberry topping sounded perfectly delightful.
I really need a cake stand, it would vastly improve my presentation!
Cake on a Sunday evening to candlelight . . . why not!
An Evening Dip
Uncle Jay and adopted Uncle James T. live in a great apartment complex. I have been wanting to go in the pool and spa for a while now, so Saturday night was the night. The boys were to enthralled with some big college football game, so Ben and I went. After reading the warning sign that children under 5 should not go in the spa, I decided that we better not. Luckily the pool was heated and wonderful too.

Before we hit the pool, we had to stop by the pond and see our favorite ducks. Ben loves animals. Whenever he sees a dog he reaches his arm out and runs towards it. He has absolutely no fear, which is hopefully a good thing. I'm not sure how well you can see but the black duck has the funkiest hair do. Ben attempted to chase the poor ducks around. It was cute!
Aren't the mountains just gorgeous?!
The wonderful indoor pool, it feels like a hotel. Ben really loved the water. He even jumped in to me from the edge.
I attempted to wrap Ben up and sit him down by the hot tub while I went in for a little bit. But when he bolted for the pool, I realized that wasn't going to happen.
I'll have to get those boys to watch Ben next time so I can relax!
B-Ball Boys
James and the guys entered into another three on three basketball tournament. It was so much more enjoyable, because it was inside! 

They did much better too because they had two subs to give them relief and they weren't dying of heat and thirst.
They ended up getting third place in the tournament, and James got second again in the dunk contest.
Ben and I had to leave early to work, so we missed most of the action.
James' new league starts this Wednesday, so we will be watching plenty of basketball.
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