Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We Love Where We Live

So I've mentioned it before, we live in a really small one bedroom apartment w/o AC, a dishwasher, or carpet. BUT . . . (1) we have an amazing outdoor living space, with a large grass area, a playground, swing set, sand box, picnic tables, and a BBQ. And that's just our court. (2) our laundry room is just next door, and we only share it with 11 other residents. (3) our apt. office building is very close, and it has it's own ATM and Red Box machine, which we frequent (too bad we've seen everything good in it right now). (4) convenient location near the campus, and in a great part of town (we feel safe here). (5) all our neighbors are starving students too, so there's no keeping up with the Jones' issue here. (6) there are lots of fun activities here for residents, for FREE 99!

Fun things thus far this summer:

1st- Outdoor Movie on the Lawn. Two weeks ago the apartments hosted Monsters vs. Aliens on the lawn. They provided us with popcorn, sodas (not generic), snow cones, and cotton candy. It was so much fun bringing a blanket out and cuddling up to my two boys. I really liked the movie too. I can't wait till Ben is actually interested so him and I can go see all of the latest kids movies together. 

2nd- Star Gazing & Smores Party- Last Thursday there was a meteor shower, so the apartments threw this fun event. Ben and I couldn't stay for the shower (it occurred after midnight), but we did go to make two yummy smores. I'm obsessed with this tasty treat, and Ben is a converted fan. He couldn't have marshmallow (choking hazard), but enjoyed some grahams and chocolate.  

We also get lots of discount tickets to places like Lagoon (theme park), and Raging Waters (water park), which we are going to on Friday!!!

Yah for living at University Village (The University of Utah's family housing)!

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