Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gratitude month

Well October is over and all of the Halloween festivities (which I still need to recap). November is here and I'm going to, really I need to work on focusing on gratitude. Also apparently doing a better job of teaching Ben what thanksgiving really is- as he said the other day "it's a day where we eat a lot of food. "
To follow in many friends footsteps I'm going to try and do a quick post each day about things I'm grateful for. And since I can now blog from my iPhone I really have no excuse.
So to kick it off I'm grateful for my little buggy bears, my Jacky boy. I'm missing him tonight as he is at my parents house for the night so I can work at Ben's preschool in the morning. Thinking of you baby and can't wait till noon tomorrow. Love you.
He's teething.  Can you tell?

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